There are dozens of steroids available with each providing a unique set and benefits (and negatives). Some steroids are better suited for female use than others.
Women want the muscle building, fat burning, losing weight and strength gaining effects of a steroid without the risk of gaining male characteristics
This article highlights the best steroids for women and why they should use them.
Nowadays there are hybrid legal steroids for women that provide excellent fat burning and muscle building effects without the side effects.
Best Steroids for Women
Here are the three best steroids for women bodybuilders, sportswomen and athletes: The 3 steroids below are hybrid and completely legal to purchase and use. They are also safe for female use.
Anavar – fat burning and preserving lean muscle mass
Clenbuterol – weight loss and performance
Winstrol – building muscle and strength
There is also a female steroid stack that combines all three products above providing everything you need to build lean muscle tissue, reduce body fat and provide increased strength and energy levels. CLICK to view Female Steroid Stack
Because they are milder than most of the other bodybuilding steroids, these three female steroids are also popular with women who are seeking weight loss and body fat reduction.
#1 – Anavar – Lose Fat and Preserve Lean Muscle Mass
CLICK to view Legal Anavar – Hybrid Safe Steroids for women
Anvarol is a legal steroid for women. It is also one the safest brands available.
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is often called the “girl steroid.” That’s not surprising, unless women have unfortunate genetics, the risk of virilization is very low.
Anavar is the overall best steroid for women – we have put it at the top of our list. It’s one of the few anabolic steroids that can help female bodybuilders and women athletes increase muscle mass and burn fat while presenting a limited risk of masculinization.
Anavar also has the advantage of being an oral steroid. Women who use it do not have to worry about painful injections.
Anavar as a Female Muscle Mass Enhancer
Although Anavar is a potent muscle growth enhancer cutting steroids, women who use it do not need to worry about turning into a She-Hulk.
However, it should be possible for most women who use this steroid to gain around 10-12 pounds of lean muscle during their first Anavar cycles.
Anavar should also have a notable effect on muscle hypertrophy, helping to improve muscle definition.
Women who use “the girl steroid” will quickly notice reasonable improvements in training capacity and physical strength.
These improvements will be largely due to the steroid’s ability to enhance adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and improve nitrogen retention and protein synthesis.
Anavar as a Female Fat Burner
A lot of steroids reduce subcutaneous fat while also increasing visceral fat (belly fat). Although these options may help women to look lean elsewhere, their midsections may still protrude in an unsightly way.
Anavar is different. It targets both types of fat. It does a good job of it too. So good that some women use Anavar as a diet pill.
Most women crave that classic hourglass figure. Anavar is the best steroid for helping them to achieve it.
Anavar is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that functions as a form of exogenous testosterone. In addition to playing a key role in protein synthesis, testosterone also enhances fat loss by increasing lipolysis.
The steroid further supports female fat burning by encouraging the thyroid to release extra triiodothyronine. Generally referred to as “T3”, this is a potent fat-burning hormone.
Most anabolic steroids are unable to improve insulin sensitivity. Anavar can. That’s why this steroid is so good for burning belly fat.
Anavar and Muscle Endurance
Anavar increases training capacity by enhancing red blood cell production. By doing this, it helps the muscles receive extra oxygen.
Oxygen plays an important role in energy production within muscle cells and the lean muscle tissue. Hard exercise requires more oxygen than the heart and lungs can provide. That’s why heart rate and respiration increase.
However, when exercise intensity is maintained, the heart and lungs cannot keep up. This forces the muscle to try and produce energy in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic respiration).
The muscles cannot do this for long. In the case of resistance training, that’s what makes it impossible to do any extra reps. It’s also why it’s necessary to take a rest between sets.
Although Anavar will not help you to train your muscles indefinitely, it may help you to add a few more reps to your sets.
Anavar Side Effects
Although it is certainly one of the safest steroid choices for women, Anavar can still present a number of problems.
Testosterone Suppression
Anavar suppresses the body’s ability to produce testosterone. Even though testosterone is the male hormone, women need to maintain adequate quantities of it too.
Testosterone supports hormone health in women, fights fatigue, and serves many other important roles including aiding self-confidence and general well-being.
As with men, it’s best for women who use Anavar to do a PCT at the end of their steroid cycles.
Doctors often prescribe dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to women suffering from low androgen levels. Not surprisingly many women finish their Anavar cycles by using DHEA as a PCT.
Women who go this route generally take 25-50 mg of DHEA per day for 4 weeks.
High Cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol. One form (LDL) is beneficial, and the other form (HDL) is harmful. All female steroids cause unfavorable changes in blood lipids by reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing levels of HDL cholesterol.
Anavar is no exception but the girl steroid’s effect on blood lipids is relatively mild in comparison to most of the other popular steroids.
Nevertheless, there will be unfavorable changes in cholesterol. Women who already have issues with high cholesterol are best avoiding all steroids, including Anavar.
The same is true for women who have high blood pressure or a family history of cardiovascular disease.
Liver Toxicity
Anavar is a c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid that has gone through a special process to make it suitable for oral use. In general, oral steroids present a greater risk of liver harm than injectable steroids.
However, although there are bound to be toxicity issues, Anavar is not as hepatotoxic as other steroids that are taken by mouth.
Women who already have poor liver health, should not use Anavar. Nor should women who consume high levels of alcohol or use medications that may place extra strain on the liver.
Additional Anavar Side Effects
Additional Anavar side effects may include:
Oily skin
Skin rashes
Hair loss
Heart attacks
Anavar Dosage and Cycle for Women
Women who use this female suitable steroid typically take 5-10 mg per day over cycles of 4-5 weeks.
Using the lower dose over a 4-week cycle is less likely to cause virilization or other side effects.
Women should not stack Anavar with other steroids because the risk of ill effects will be a lot higher.
Anavar Steroid for Women: Pros and Cons
Potent fat burner (fat burning steroid)
Helps Build lean muscle mass
Mild side effects (in comparison to other steroids)
Low risk of virilization
Can be difficult to obtain
Expensive to buy
Using it for non-medical purposes is illegal
Black market versions may contain other steroids
#2 – Clenbuterol – For Burning Fat and Muscle Recovery
CLICK to view Legal Clenbuterol – Hybrid Safe Legal Steroids for women
Clenbutrol is a legal steroid for women. It is also one the safest brands available.
Clenbuterol is a powerful performance booster and fat burner. It’s also often considered one of the best steroids for women. However, although Clenbuterol is often used alongside bodybuilding steroids, it’s not a steroid at all.
Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant bronchodilator and Beta2-adrenergic agonist. It’s very good for opening up the bronchial passages to support easier breathing and has obvious value as a treatment for asthma.
However, the FDA has not approved Clenbuterol for human use. It has approval as a veterinary medication though. Clenbuterol is commonly used as a treatment for racehorses with breathing difficulties.
Often called “the secret skinny pill of the stars,” Clenbuterol is a popular fat burner with many Hollywood celebrities. Britney Spears allegedly used it. Lindsay Lohan is rumored to have used Clenbuterol too but, as with all illegal steroids used, using Clenbuterol for weight loss or sports enhancement is against the law.
Clenbuterol as a Female Fat Burner
A limited amount of research involving racehorses suggests Clenbuterol may possess anabolic qualities that may allow it to help people to avoid losing muscle mass when they cut back on their calories. [2]
The results of one study, conducted on young men also suggest Clenbuterol can accelerate fat loss while protecting existing muscle tissue. [3]
Although the anabolic capabilities of Clenbuterol require further study, there is no denying its value as a fat burner. Its ability in this area literally “strips” the capabilities of many popular fat-burning steroids.
Clenbuterol accelerates fat loss by encouraging the adrenal glands to produce more adrenaline. When adrenaline increases, so does metabolism.
When metabolism is faster you burn more calories while training. You also burn extra calories during periods of low activity.
Clenbuterol further supports fat loss by increasing thermogenesis. This causes the body to lose extra energy as heat. Again, this supports greater fat loss during exercise and while the body is at rest.
With zero risk of virilization, Clenbuterol certainly could be seen as being safer for women than steroids. However, one of the main reasons the FDA has not cleared the drug as an Asthma treatment for humans is it can be very bad for the heart.
Clenbuterol as a Performance Booster
Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant that boosts physical performance in a number of ways. Increasing adrenaline levels is one of them.
A key player in the fight or flight survival mechanism, one of the things adrenalin does is reduce the diameter of certain blood vessels.
Due to the selective way, adrenalin does this, it makes extra blood available to the heart, lungs, and muscles. This enhances speed and strength.
The drug’s ability to open up the airways also supports better physical performance, along with greater stamina.
Muscle activity is powered by a process known as cellular respiration. For optimum performance, the muscles require adequate oxygen. By opening up the bronchial passageways, Clenbuterol helps the muscles to get more oxygen than normal, resulting in improvements in muscle output.
Clenbuterol Side Effects
Like the steroids sportswomen and athletes often use for performance enhancement and fat loss, Clenbuterol can present health risks that many women, quite rightly, find unacceptable.
Cardiovascular Issues
Clenbuterol can cause heart palpitations. It can also cause a racing heartbeat. Heart palpitations seldom present real dangers. Depending on the rate of acceleration, a racing heartbeat can. It can also cause myocarditis (inflammation of the heart).
In June 2020, the European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine published a case report about Clenbuterol-induced myocarditis.
The patient was a 22-year-old bodybuilder who began experiencing chest pain and vomiting after using Clenbuterol for a week.
Fortunately, the reaction was not fatal but things could have been much worse. [4]
Anxiety is another common negative response to Clenbuterol female steroid use but that’s hardly surprising because it causes the fight or flight stress response.
When anxiety is accompanied by a racing heartbeat, things can get particularly bad. The fear of a heart attack can increase anxiety further. This may encourage the heart to beat faster still causing a self-feeding problem.
Insomnia is another common Clenbuterol side effect. That’s why it’s always best to take the drug early in the morning instead of during the afternoon or evening.
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. Clenbuterol has a half-life of 35 hours. That’s how long it can take for the effects to fully wear off.
Additional Clenbuterol Side Effects
A few other Clenbuterol side effects include:
Dry mouth
Heavy sweating
Muscle cramps
Clenbuterol Dosage and Cycle for Women
Unlike a steroid, the Clenbuterol dosage guidelines are the same for women as they are for men.
Each Clen pill provides 20 mcg of Clenbuterol.
Women who are using Clenbuterol for weight loss or cutting, generally begin by taking 1-2 pills per day (20-40 mcg) and follow 4-6 week cycles, increasing the dose by 10-20 mcg every 3-4 days.
If fat loss peaks or side effects become apparent, it’s best to halt the increase or even drop to a slightly lower dose.
It’s not unheard of for women to reach 8 pills per day (160 mcg), but this is playing with fire. Although there is no need to worry about masculinization, when you are taking a dose as high as that the risk of side effects becomes significantly higher.
The 22-year-old bodybuilder who suffered Clenbuterol-induced myocarditis was only taking 40 mcg per day. [4]
Clenbuterol Steroid for Women: Pros and Cons
High-potency fat burner (burning fat fast)
Powerful performance booster
Protect existing muscle mass
Visible muscle pumps
Does not present a risk of virilization
Does not suppress testosterone or require a PCT
Can be difficult to find a supplier
May be expensive
It’s an illegal drug
Risk of side effects
May cause cardiovascular damage
#3 – Winstrol – Lean Muscle Gain and Strength
CLICK to view Legal Winstrol – Hybrid Safe Legal Steroids for women
Winsol is one of the best female steroids to build up muscle tone and muscle pumps. It is also of the new hybrid legal steroid alternatives that removes a huge majority of the risks.
Winstrol (Stanozolol or winny) is certainly not the best steroid for women. In addition to having some very undesirable side effects, Winstrol is more than capable of wreaking havoc with women’s natural beauty.
However, although there is a high risk of virilization, Winstrol is such a powerful muscle building steroid for women who use it can attain good levels of body fat reduction by using low doses.
When the dose is low enough, the danger of virilization decreases. Nevertheless, the risk of developing guy-like traits is far lower when using Anavar or Clenbuterol.
Winstrol is an oral steroid. That’s another thing that works in its favor. The average woman who’s looking for a steroid to help her to burn fat is unlikely to relish the idea of becoming a pincushion.
Winstrol’s history is similar to that of many other anabolic steroids. It was originally designed for medicinal purposes such as treating osteoporosis and breast cancer.
When word got out about the drug’s ability to boost their lean mass, muscle tissue, athletic ability, and reduced body fat, bodybuilders and other athletes were quick to find ways to obtain it illegally.
Winstrol as a Female Muscle Mass Enhancer
Winstrol is not one of the best steroids for building muscle in men but women who use it can attain significant gains in muscle size and strength.
As with Anavar, Winstrol takes over the role of testosterone to deliver improvements in protein synthesis and lean muscle mass.
Although the muscle-building ability of Winstrol can deliver attractive benefits to women, with so many more powerful options available, men generally only use Winstrol for its fat burning effect and cutting.
Winstrol as a Female Fat Burner
Winstrol enhances female fat burning by boosting metabolism. Women who use this steroid can burn considerably more fat with it than they would without it. That’s presuming they are making the right efforts with diet and exercise routine.
It’s not unreasonable to expect a fat loss of around 3 pounds per week while using Winstrol. Some women manage to lose a little bit more.
However, although Winstrol can be good for helping women lose subcutaneous fat, it lacks Anavar’s ability to target visceral fat.
Winstrol and Female Muscle Definition
Winstrol does not aromatize (convert to estrogen) so it’s also good for causing water loss. By doing this, it supports improvements in vascularity and helps enhance muscle definition.
If you want to look lean and toned during your trips to the beach, Wistrol can help.
Winstrol Side Effects for Females
As we have pointed out already, Winstrol poses a strong risk of virilization. Keeping the cycles short and using low doses lessens the risk but doesn’t make it go away.
Winstrol can also cause plenty of other side effects.
Testosterone Suppression
By taking over the role of testosterone, Winstrol causes women’s natural testosterone production to drop. So, as with all other steroids, including Anavar, you cannot simply go off-cycle without following up with a PCT.
High Cholesterol
Winstrol is another steroid for women that causes unfavorable changes in cholesterol. It causes you to have less of the good type and more of the bad and also pushes up blood pressure.
Liver Toxicity
Winstrol is an anabolic steroid that is hard on the liver. Anavar is a much safer alternative.
However, women use much lower doses of Winsol than men do, helping to limit the risks.
Joint Pain
Although the diuretic abilities of Winstrol are good for improving vascularity and muscle definition, the reduced amounts of fluid in the tissues around the joints decrease the level of cushioning. It’s one of the worst steroids for causing this type of problem.
Winstrol Dosage and Cycle for Women
Although men use Winstrol in much higher doses, women who use this steroid should never exceed 5 mg per day.
Many women use Winstrol in 8-week cycles, but that should be the absolute maximum. Cycles of 4-6 weeks will reduce the risk of masculinization.
Winstrol Steroid for Women: Pros and Cons
Improves female muscle growth and lean muscle mass
Burn fat and speeds up fat loss
Enhances vascularity and muscle definition
Low doses are required to reduce the risk of virilization
Can be difficult to obtain
Expensive to buy
Illegal to use
What Steroids are Best for Women
Women use steroids for the same reasons men do. They generally either want to enhance their physical performance, burn more fat, increase their muscle mass, or attain a combination of these benefits.
Women who use steroids for fat burning may simply be seeking rapid weight loss. On the other hand, they may wish to improve their muscle definition and look shredded. Whatever their personal goals may be, steroids can give them a hefty push in the right direction.
Unfortunately, although steroids have a lot to offer, they can also cause dangerous side effects. Using them for body enhancement purposes is illegal, so there is a lot to consider if you are thinking of going this route.
Steroids also present an additional danger to women. Because they elevate testosterone, anabolic androgenic steroids have the potential to make women begin to look like men.
This unfortunate process is known as virilization and, when women begin using steroids, the dangers of this happening are very real.
However, certain steroids are more girl-friendly than others. This article provides information about the three best anabolic steroids for women, including female bodybuilders and athletes.
However, although all three of the best steroids for women present a relatively low risk of virilization compared to other popular steroids, the risk will always be there. Low risk is not the same as no risk at all. If you want zero risks, you will need to forget about using anabolic androgenic steroids and use natural alternatives instead.
Anabolic Steroids and Virilization: What Women Need to Know
Also known as masculinization, virilization in women can occur naturally if their bodies begin producing higher levels of androgen hormones, primarily testosterone.
This can happen due to an enlarged adrenal gland. Adrenal gland tumors can cause increases in androgen hormone production as well. As can tumors or hormonal imbalances in the ovaries.
The situation with anabolic steroid use of steroids is a little different. They are exogenous (synthetic) hormones that behave like natural androgen hormones. When women (or men) use anabolic androgenic steroids it suppresses normal hormone production. That’s one of the main side effects.
Unfortunately, virilization can be a much harder problem to rectify.
Symptoms of virilization may include:
Deepening of the voice
Increases in body hair
Developing masculine facial characteristics
Breast shrinkage
Enlargement of the female genitalia
Some of the symptoms of virilization may be reversed quickly after steroid usage ceases and hormone levels return to normal.
Other symptoms of virilization can be more problematic. For instance, in the case of a deep voice, it may take years to rectify the changes in the vocal cords and larynx.
One 27-year-old female bodybuilder got an androgenized voice after only using steroids for six weeks. She eventually managed to get back a more feminine-sounding voice but it took her 20 years to do it and the rectification required multiple surgical procedures. [1]
The risk of virilization increases significantly when women make the wrong steroid choices, use overly high doses, longer cycles, and/or use two or more steroids together (stacking).
NOTE: (psychiatric and medical effects)
Some women are more prone to virilization than others. It all boils down to a case of personal genetics.
So, although some women may be able to use powerful steroids over long cycles and get away with it, others may begin developing masculine traits while using the mildest options in low doses over short cycles.
it’s a little like playing Russian Roulette. The big difference is, if you do trigger a full chamber, it’s possible to stop the game before things get out of hand.
Why Women Need to Use a PCT After Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Use
Many women believe they will not need to do a PCT because low testosterone only causes problems for men. However, although the female body does not require as much of the male hormone, it still needs to maintain an adequate amount.
It’s a similar situation with men. In order to remain healthy, the male body requires adequate levels of estrogen, though not nearly as much of it as women need.
Because Clenbuterol is not a steroid and does not suppress testosterone, women who use it as a fat-burning drug or performance enhancer, will not need to go to the expense of following their cycles with a PCT,
If they are showing no symptoms of low testosterone after their Anavar cycles, women may be able to skip doing anavar cycle after a PCT.
However, due to the risk of loss of muscle mass and increases in body fat, there’s a lot to be said for playing it safe and doing a PCT anyway.
Even in low doses, Winstrol is a powerful steroid for women to be using so a PCT will be necessary every time.
As with Anavar, 25-50 mg of DHEA per day, for 4 weeks, should be an effective PCT for Winstrol.
Why Women Use Anabolic Steroids
Women use anabolic steroids for a variety of reasons.
Female athletes, sportswomen and bodybuilders generally use them for the same reasons male counterparts do. Steroids can enhance workout capability, give significant muscle gains, and aid rapid reduction in body fat percentage.
Female athletes who are pursuing alternative sporting endeavors may use anabolic steroids for all the same reasons. However, depending on their chosen sport and personal goals, they may be primarily interested in using anabolic steroids as performance enhancers.
At the other end of the scale, women who are using steroids instead of diet pills, are generally only interested in weight loss. However, although options such as Anavar, Clenbuterol, and Winstrol can help women to burn extra fat, they may not be the best options.
Anabolic Steroids Vs Legal Alternatives that Enhance Muscle Growth
The two biggest problems with taking anabolic steroids, are the side effects and the threat of virilization. Once you are aware of the risks, it becomes harder to justify taking them.
Fortunately, steroids are not the only game in town. These days, it’s possible to buy natural alternatives that can help women to attain their body goals without causing side effects or making them look like men.
There is generally still a need for cycling but women who use natural steroids will not need to worry about doing a PCT.
Steroids Vs Fat Burners (Weight Loss Pills)
Although there are undoubtedly much safer options, anabolic steroids offer the most value to female bodybuilders and athletes from other types of sports.
Can steroids help women to lose weight faster? Absolutely, but, as with standard diet pills, a suitable weight loss plan is still necessary.
Many women who want to lose excess weight, will not be able to reach their weight loss target in only a few weeks. Where this is the case, steroids are unlikely to be the best option.
Steroids present many health risks and put a great strain on the body. The same is true for Clenbuterol. You have to use options such as these in short cycles. Typically 4-8 weeks.
After that, you need to take a break for a few weeks to give your body time to recover. You may also need to do a PCT. This will entail additional expenses and will flood your system with additional drugs.
Female bodybuilders tend to be pretty lean to start with. A short steroid cycle is all that’s necessary to apply the finishing touches. The same is true for most female athletes and steroid users from other types of sports.
For women who are overweight or obese, it’s a different story. They may still have a lot of weight to lose when they finish their cycles but will have to try and manage without the support of steroids for a few weeks before they can start using them again.
Women who choose to lose weight with diet pills can continue to use them until they reach their ideal weight. They also receive a far greater level of weight loss support and do not need to worry about side effects.
Best Steroids for Women Research Sources
1. Case Report: The Long‐Term Effects of Anabolic Steroids on the Female Voice Over a 20‐Year Period:
2. Effects of Clenbuterol on Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle in Horses:
3. BETA2 -Adrenergic Agonist Clenbuterol Increases Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation, and Induces Mtor Phosphorylation in Skeletal Muscle of Young Healthy Men:
4. Clenbuterol-Induced Myocarditis: A Case Report:
5. Female athletes and choosing the best steroids for women for muscle gains, body composition and endogenous testosterone.