Libby Zuck
Dear Readers,
Be honest: how many times have you been scrolling on social media and wondered, “How are they so perfect?” or “Why can’t I be like them?”
We often compare ourselves to others, and our obsession with perfection is more toxic now than ever. Whether in real life or on social media, we have no idea what someone else is going through. Behind the blonde bombshell or the luxurious trips others are on, there are a million different reasons why their lives aren’t necessarily “perfect” either.
The comparison game will only get you so far, and soon enough, there can come a point where all of us are just different versions of the other if we are all looking around for the next trend or alteration.
Someone else’s idea of “perfect” should not influence how you live your life. Whether for academic or personal reasons, striving to be like someone else because their life seems better damages the life you were destined to create for yourself. Trying to guess how to please people and how you may fit into being “perfect” is a great way to lose sight of yourself during these fundamental years.
The celebrities we idolize also struggle, as does the person sitting next to you in class and the beautiful girl on your Instagram feed. So why should we feel the need to base our idea of who we should be on others and not just stay true to ourselves?
The pressure on you to succeed during college is heavy, whether it is your parents, yourself or outside factors. It is important to remember why you are here instead of striving to be someone else’s idea of perfect. Being negative and comparing your attributes to others will not allow you to reach your full potential if you are so focused on what your life looks like to others.
This time is to figure out who you are as a person and, hopefully, what you want to do in the future, not to mold yourself to someone else’s idea of what you should be or do.
Let go of others’ perceptions of you. While this is easier said than done, this is the time to figure out what works for you and, in return, how you can make your life your own idea of “perfect.”
“Perfect” is different for everyone, because everyone is different from one another, and embracing those differences will free you from the shackles of someone else’s idea of your “perfect” life and let you live your own.
Love, Libby