Negativity influences more than just academic careers; it carries over into personal relationships, mindsets and reactions. It’s a bigger burden than any assignment, and focusing on negativity or potential problems will ensure your college experience declines. These mindsets are easily avoidable — here are six to watch out for.
Perfectionism is unattainable, whether academically, emotionally or physically. Comparing yourself to your peers who you may deem perfect is not a healthy way to look at others, and thinking of yourself as unworthy or less than your peers damages your self-esteem and affects your mindset in every aspect of your life.
I have attempted to change myself, physically and mentally, to fit someone else’s mold of perfection, and at the end of the day, I had to take a step back and realize if someone else is trying to alter me, why would I want them in my life? Avoiding the perfectionist outlook is crucial during these vulnerable college years, because no one is perfect, and that’s okay.
What are you getting out of judging yourself or others? Nothing. Judging people, yourself included, over insignificant actions deteriorates your outlook on life. You’re making assumptions with limited understanding, diminishing your perception of others before you understand them. Giving someone in class the stink eye over a small thing does not benefit anyone — just like turning that judgment inward on yourself — so don’t do it.
Focusing on doubt, rather than strategies for improvement is self-sabotage; it diminishes your confidence and ability. Being outwardly negative about yourself and verbalizing fears before achieving a goal reduces your chances for improvement.
Worrying about the “what ifs” in life prevents experiences from shaping your personal and academic careers.
I am a huge worrier — I usually make a list of everything that could go wrong before it goes right. After coming to college, I realized I cannot let possibilities dictate my life and choices. Instead, I’ve learned to allow life to play out the way it should without fear.
Sure, complaining is a great way to pass the time in a boring class, but is complaining about a 50 to 75-minute class period worth damaging your mindset for the day?
Complaining takes unneeded negative energy and applies it to areas of your life, making you focus more on problems than solutions. It can get you so wrapped up in the temperature of your hall or the long day ahead of you that you forget to appreciate the coffee you had before class or the friend offering to go to the rec with you.
Control is a huge element of college. After experiencing external factors enforcing rules in your personal life, coming to college and moving away from home gives you that control. As an avid planner and control freak, I usually have a thought-out plan of how things should happen — but dwelling on that hurts me. After being let down multiple times after a situation did not go my way, I started to loosen my grasp on control, because it affected my outlook on life.