Riley Scott
A new interface option in KSIS is available to make the page more mobile-device friendly.
The new option, known as KSIS Fluid Course Search, allows KSIS to scale pages for large devices like laptops down to small devices such as smartphones and tablets, according to a press release.
Christy Reiter, junior in elementary education, said the new option makes searching for courses easier.
“I think fluid view simplifies how you search for your classes, on a phone especially,” Reiter said. “With this new option, you are able to easily browse the course catalog on a mobile device, while the older view is too large for a phone and you cannot see all the information at once.”
One new feature is Fluid Course Search acts as a Google search bar. Users can search by keywords, courses and subjects.
The classic view of KSIS is still available, though the university’s registrar encourages students to use the new fluid option.
Users with questions about the fluid course option are asked to visit the help pages linked in the press release.